Book your Classes Below

Preferably one adult per child must be present.  Max 6 per class in The Stable Classes

*Please ensure non-participating siblings are brought in a baby car seat

Book and Pay As You Go The Stable classes are €12.00 per class

September Charity Month

In memory of our precious, gorgeous son Jace, who died on the 5th of June 2023 just before his 5th birthday, the first three weeks will be for two charities, Jack and Jill and LauraLynn.

Both these charities supported our family for the past four years and I couldn’t imagine what life would have been like without them. These charities are in huge demand. So please come and enjoy music in memory of Jace, book your place online and donate by clicking on the link below.

Kindermusic A, B, C and D Classes

We have limited availability for these classes.

Please phone us on 086 302 9665 to book your place.


Enrol NOW

Call us today on 086 302 9665

Email us at

Terms & Conditions

Click on the Links below to view our terms and conditions: