About Us
Who Are We?

DoMiSo was founded in September 2005. It was founded and is directed by Clare Cherry Kinito. DoMiSo currently has 130 students.
Clare graduated from Trinity College and The Royal Irish Academy of Music with an honours Bachelor in Music Education, (B.Mus.Ed. Hons R.I.A.M.). She studied cello with Bill Butt during her time in the academy and previously with Úna Ní Chanainn and Moya O’Grady. From being part of the Dublin Youth Orchestras, the National Youth Orchestras of Ireland and various other orchestras around Dublin she has immensely enjoyed music from early child hood and would like to share that experience with young children today. Clare has over 20 years’ experience teaching children music and a lifetime love and joy of being with children.
Clare is a local musician and is married to Henri Pierre. They have three daughters, Ailis, Gaelle and Lyla and one son, Jace. Jace was diagnosed with Pallister Killian Syndrome at birth which is extremely rare, less than 500 in the world. Through Jace, Clare is learning all about Lamh and loves being able to share what she has learnt with different songs in class. You will meet them as DoMiSo can be a family affair!
Aims of Kindergarten Classes
Enjoyment of Music
Development of musical concepts and skills
Pulse- beat and time, Rhythm, Singing, Phrasing, Listening and lots more. Each class listens to music by the great composers at the end of each lesson.
Physical Development
Physical Development of motor skills and body co-ordination through action songs and playing of percussion instruments.
Emotional Development
Being able to express themselves through movement to music. Talking about how the music makes them feel during listening time at the end of each lesson. To help children develop a loving and trusting bond with their parent.
Personal and Social Development
Builds self confidence and enhances self esteem. The child learns early social skills, turn taking, sharing, early self control and discipline.
Voice Training
Kodaly believes that the voice is the first and most important instrument to use and be confident in before commencing to learn a musical instrument.
This kindergarten stage, ages 1-6, has two purposes
For young children to enjoy and grow a life long love for the gift of music.
It prepares children musically to commence learning a musical instrument with confidence and ease if they wish to. Through attending kindergarten classes children will develop a number of musical and non-musical skills and knowledge which they can easily transfer to an instrument and daily life. Kodaly believes that all children should have at least one year of musicianship training before commencing an instrument and then to continue attending musicianship lessons to complement and help instrument learning.
Call us on 086 302 9665 or email us at info@domisomusicschool.ie