Welcome to DoMiSo Music School

Music Education in a Fun and Relaxed Environment

Enrol Today!

Call us today on 086 302 9665

Email us at info@domisomusicschool.ie

Term Dates for September 2024 – May 2025

DoMiSo opens on Saturday 31st August 2024

Which Class Should I Choose?

Stage 1 | Musical Awareness

Musical Babies (3-24 months)

All babies are welcome to all musical baby groups. This class is jam packed with non-stop musical activities which babies love.

Musical Toddlers (2 year olds)

These classes are for children who are starting primary school in three years’ time. These classes will follow on from musical babies.

One adult per child must be present

Stage 2 | The Budding Musician

Kinder Music Group A

For children starting primary school in two years’ time.

Kinder Music Group B

For children starting primary school in one year’s time.

Kinder Music Group C

For junior infants.

Kinder Music Group D

For senior infants and older children.

Kindermusic Groups

These classes are for children who will be starting primary school in two years’ time. This group will commence the DoMiSo Kindermusic program and will be starting to learn different rhythms, solfa, and start the singing rascals series.

One adult per child must be present.

These classes are for children who will be starting primary school in one year’s time.

One adult per child must be present. This is essential as the class is only for 40min and in that time I want to teach music to the children (but also to the adults) and I don’t want to spend time on discipline. In this class all early music notation will be taught and parents who attend will understand and be able to help their child in their first year of instrument learning. However, it’s also for insurance reasons.

These classes are for children who are in Junior Infants. No parents need to be present for this class, but where possible please stay on or near the premises.

These classes are for children who are in Senior Infants or older children who would like to join DoMiSo Music School. No parents need to be present for this class, however, where possible please stay on or near the premises. Children who have completed at least two years of the DoMiSo Kindermusic programme will be ready to commence a musical instrument on completeing the Kindermusic D course.

Discover the best class for your child using the sample chart below

What Our Parents Are Saying

“The school is run exceptionally well. There is a lovely atmosphere and the kids all seem very comfortable and relaxed. By the end of the first year I could definitely see the confidence of the kids had increased.”

– Sharon Daly

“We (the parents) really enjoyed the Christmas get together. It was a great way of getting involved. My child enjoyed having a go at the different instruments, seeing your cello and listening to you playing it.”

– Julie Dannoux

“Participating in the music lessons has been a happy and positive experience for my child. The teachers are so kind and good to the children, they really respond to them.”

– Michelle Barrett

“We are very happy with the class and have seen huge progress in our child and the class. We will be sending our younger daughter to the school and would recommend it to anyone.”

– John Leahy

“My child loves her music classes and is becoming a real performer!”

– Sinead Plunkett

“Very well run! Lots of ideas for instilling a love of music from a young age! The atmosphere in the classes is always very comfortable and encouraging for the children. We really enjoyed it.”

– Aoife McNabb

“My child loves the class and although she appears very shy in class she always talks about it afterwards and loves singing all the songs.”

– Catherine Carey

“Very good. Lovely atmosphere, friendly & relaxed.”

– Valerie Laurence

What Makes Us Different?

Fun and Relaxed

DoMiSo is a fun and relaxed school and a great place to start music education whether you are doing it just for fun or you are looking for a long term plan of instrument learning and general music education. DoMiSo is the place to start! ALL our teachers are fully qualified musicians and teachers and all have a passion for music which they want to share with young children.

Specialised Approach

We have a very specialized approach to music education. The classes are fun, active and educational (for both child and parent), and instill a secure foundation for music education in young children.

Small Class Sizes

All our classes are age/class appropriate and children are learning with their peers. Class sizes are small with only 5-10 children in each class. We are committed to the students and monitor their development carefully with the long-term vision to equip the students with a skill that will keep them enjoying music for the rest of their lives!

Terms & Conditions

Click on the Links below to view our terms and conditions:

Get Started Today!

Call us today on 086 302 9665

Email us at info@domisomusicschool.ie